maya childcare inc.

Andy: A story of transformation…

Meet 5 year old Andy, another graduate of the Acorn Childcare Center!

Andy’s mother, Rosa, had been selling products door to door when she enrolled him last year. Her childcare options were to leave him with different friends, other people, or take him with her door to door during working hours.

Initially, Andy cried most of the day. Unable to use crayons, paints or scissors, Andy did not interact with the other children or follow instructions from the teachers.

Andy’s parents separated when he was born. He lives primarily with his mother but sees his father occasionally. His parents initially argued a lot, as each was trying to navigate parenting separately and start new relationships.

During the parent education meetings we require at the Center, Andy’s parents learned how to take on the role of being a parent, how to communicate effectively and how to work together to positively shape Andy’s future. This had a great impact on Andy’s development.

With the care and attention of teachers, Andy’s fine and gross motor skills improved and his shyness melted away. He began to feel more confident in trying different activities alone and with others. He follows directions, completes his worksheets, and loves to build with Legos bricks and play trains.

With Andy safely cared for at the Center, Rosa was able to apply for a more stable job and now works in a popular ice cream shop here in Quetzaltenango. Because of your generosity, Andy’s parents have learned to work together to actively promote his growth and development and Andy has transformed from a shy preschooler to an expressive, confident student ready to enter primary school. Thank you!


Every donation helps ensure that we can continue transforming the lives of families facing extreme poverty.

Maya Childcare Inc is run entirely by volunteers, thus 100% of your donation goes directly to the Acorn Childcare Center.

The fact that the Acorn Childcare Centre is able to offer such crucial, life-changing support to children and families living in extreme poverty, is thanks to the work and the generosity of many people, doing and giving what they can to help. Every contribution matters, and together all these efforts make a huge difference.

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