In preschool, children learn how to be students: following directions, taking turns, sharing materials and the teacher’s attention are a vital part of preparing young children for primary school. In addition, children learn to strengthen their social and emotional development: how to compromise, be respectful and problem solve. Preschool provides an environment for children to explore, gain a sense of self, play with peers and build self-confidence.

An interactive preschool environment promotes language and cognitive skills, too. Teachers help children strengthen their language skills by introducing new vocabulary during activities and hearing their peers in a language-rich environment is beneficial as well.

The Acorn Childcare Center offers children a stimulating early education that inspires and supports active learning. Using the High/Scope curriculum, children are encouraged to make choices, to explore a wide range of materials, to experiment and to experience things for themselves. This engaging curriculum takes an intentional learning approach to education that makes teachers and children active partners and makes for a lot of fun!


The Acorn Childcare Center (Centro Infantil Bellota in Spanish) gives children a better start in life, providing essential care and exceptional early education for 2–6 year olds.