

December marks the end of the school year in Guatemala, when we celebrate the Class of 2023 and take a holiday for Christmas and the New Year. This month we give special celebrations for our 5 year old students Olguita, Cristopher, Rebeca, Santiago and Benjamin who graduate from the Acorn Childcare Center and are ready to start school!

Earlier this year, we introduced you to one of our new students Olguita whose two older siblings are both alumni of the Center. Olga’s favorite area continues to be Art, especially drawing with crayons and she shows remarkable attention to detail for her age. In the play area, Olga was often in the role of a leader with great imagination as chef, teacher and mother to her classmates and dolls.

Cristopher travels an hour by bus with his mother to get to the city each morning. Having previously spent a lot of time alone at home, Cristopher’s favorite part of his day at the Center was playing with peers. He was the first student to welcome a new classmate with affection and friendship. 

Santiago was also new student this year but unlike his outgoing classmate, Santiago had a difficult time separating from his mother at first before he warmed up to his teachers and classmates. He began enjoying the playtime and games with his classmates but his favorite was the book area where he was happy every time a story was read.

Rebeca returned this year for her second year at the Center. A little older and more experienced now, she was an excellent role model for the younger students, completing her assignments with care and taking on the role of a leader during class activities.

Over the year we have seen these students’ incredible growth and feel confident that they are ready to graduate. Your generosity allowed us to provide a vibrant learning environment for all the students. From the basics — like Olga’s favorite crayons and Santiago’s favorite books — to the less tangible but equally important elements of a strong educational start: a stimulating curriculum, consistent care from teachers and staff, and the confidence that comes from being heard, seen and understood by a loving community.

Because of you, our graduates will start school next year ready to learn despite their economic circumstances. The Center makes a world of difference to children and families that are struggling. Their warmth and appreciation is hard to fully convey, but we hope you find that being part of their network of support feels valuable and worthwhile. Thank you and happy New Year! 


Every donation helps ensure that we can continue transforming the lives of families facing extreme poverty.

Maya Childcare Inc is run entirely by volunteers, thus 100% of your donation goes directly to the Acorn Childcare Center.

The fact that the Acorn Childcare Centre is able to offer such crucial, life-changing support to children and families living in extreme poverty, is thanks to the work and the generosity of many people, doing and giving what they can to help. Every contribution matters, and together all these efforts make a huge difference.

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