
Meet new student Bethzabeth, age 4. Bethzabeth is an only child and lives with her mother and father in a home about 30 minutes away from the Center. Because of their travel time, the family has difficulty getting Bethzabeth to the Center on time each morning but she does consistently attend each day. Her mother says that Bethzabeth especially looks forward to playing with her classmates.

Bethzabeth’s mother works as a housekeeper and her father works in a clinical laboratory. Before attending the Center, her mom would have to bring Bethzabeth to work with her, which naturally became more complicated as Bethzabeth got older and more active. She was so grateful to be able to bring her to an environment where she could learn, play with other children and be fed nutritious meals.

During her first months at the Center, Bethzabeth learned to eat a variety of new foods, especially different types of atoles (a milk and corn-based drink) and fruits. Bethzabeth says that she loves the food that is served and most of the time she asks for two to three portions, which has been significant for improving her growth and development.

Bethzabeth most enjoys the art area, making his work sheets with a lot of creativity, enthusiasm and dedication. She also enjoys the pretend play area where she can prepare and serve pretend food to classmates and teachers. She also frequently imitates being mother to several dolls, holding them and feeding them bottles.

Because of your generosity, the Acorn Childcare Center is able to give young students like Bethzabeth a safe caring environment and a better start to their education. Thank you!


Every donation helps ensure that we can continue transforming the lives of families facing extreme poverty.

Maya Childcare Inc is run entirely by volunteers, thus 100% of your donation goes directly to the Acorn Childcare Center.

The fact that the Acorn Childcare Centre is able to offer such crucial, life-changing support to children and families living in extreme poverty, is thanks to the work and the generosity of many people, doing and giving what they can to help. Every contribution matters, and together all these efforts make a huge difference.

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